50 Alessandro Place, Suite 300, Pasadena, CA 91105  |  626 397 9095

Is What Men Really Think about Breast Augmentation the Best Reason to Have One?

The majority of men are genetically hard-wired to be interested in the female body—and the breasts are often a defining characteristic. Yet the average man varies in what he thinks is attractive. Some men prefer ample bust sizes, while others prefer more modest curves.

If you read any number of male magazines or look at advertisements, you will realize quickly that breasts are important to many men. How important? In 2010, Ask Men conducted a survey known as the Great Male Survey. They asked 100,000 readers to discuss their views of sexuality and dating. According to their survey, 46% of their respondents listed a C-cup as their preferred breast size. 24% of the men surveyed didn't care about breast size at all!

Why do Men Like Breasts?

In a new book titled, The Chemistry Between Us: Love, Sex, and the Science of Attraction, the authors dove deep into what makes men so attracted to women's breasts. After all, men are the only male mammals that are sexually interested in breasts. According to the book, when men touch women's breasts, it sparks the same oxytocin release that bonds a mother to her baby during childbirth and nursing. This focuses the brain's attention to the intimacy and is an unconscious evolutionary drive to form one of nature's most powerful bonds.

Breasts are Only ONE Part of Who You Are

If you are considering breast augmentation surgery primarily to attract men, however, I urge you to reconsider. Your breast—and your breast size—are just one part of who you are and not the measure of your worth or attractiveness. The right man will love you for who you are---not your cup size. While there are numerous reasons to consider breast augmentation surgery, what men think should not be one of them.

Breast Augmentation can Improve Your Self Esteem

Your breasts are a big part of womanhood—yet for many, they can be a source of low self-esteem. While push-up bras can help, breast augmentation surgery may be the step you need to take to give yourself more confidence and achieve the look you want.

When breast augmentation is something you do for YOU, the results are fabulous. A study published in the May 2013 issue of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery found that 98% of women were highly satisfied with their breast augmentation results, 92% reported increased self-esteem, and 64% reported an overall improved quality of life.

Breast Augmentation can Return Yourself to Your Body

Many women had ample breasts for years in their 20's and 30's. Yet after having a few children, their bodies are unrecognizable—including their breasts. Large numbers of women lose cup sizes and breast elasticity after they have children, leading to depression and poor body image. Breast augmentation surgery can return your breasts back to what they once were---giving you your body back!

Breast Augmentation can Fix Deformities

For some women, breast augmentation surgery is not just about looking better—but about fixing a deformity of their breasts. Women who do not have symmetrical breasts or who have had previous surgical procedures may turn to breast augmentation to fix noticeable deformities that have bothered them.

Is Breast Augmentation Surgery Right for You?

Has your breast size prevented you from freely wearing a bikini or other low cut style? Have you felt self-conscious about your breasts for more than a few years? Have your breasts changed dramatically in the last several years?

If you are unhappy with your breasts, it is wise to discuss your medical options with an experienced and skilled plastic surgeon. In your free consultation, your doctor will help you identify your problem areas and develop a plan for achieving the look you desire.

Contact Pasadena Breast Augmentation Specialists

If you are considering breast augmentation, it is important to choose a plastic surgeon carefully. There is a reason so many Pasadena women choose Dr. Kevin Ruhge to perform their breast augmentation surgery. His personalized approach to plastic surgery means that women can obtain the look they are searching for—and achieve extraordinary results—through a combination of surgical and non-surgical procedures. If you would like to learn more about breast augmentation surgery, we invite you to meet with Dr. Ruhge for a private consultation at our office in Pasadena by calling 626.397.9095, or by scheduling an appointment online.




Why one female tennis player chose to have a breas...

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