50 Alessandro Place, Suite 300, Pasadena, CA 91105  |  626 397 9095

Is Laser Hair Removal Safe?

In the year 2009, revenues associated with the laser hair removal industry reached almost $250 million. The number of laser hair removal procedures has risen steadily from 2000 to 2014, with nearly 400,000 more laser hair removal procedures done in 2014 than in 2000.Many more women than men undergo laser hair removal procedures—more than 80 percent of those who have laser hair removal procedures done are women. As far as pain goes, laser hair removal is not a painless procedure. More than 50 percent of those who underwent laser hair removal said they experienced "mild" pain or acknowledged the pain they...
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Non-Surgical Nose Job: Does It Work?

Since a person's nose sits right in the middle of their face, it is arguably one of the most prominent facial features, and can have a significant impact on one's overall appearance. A surgical nose job—rhinoplasty—has been seen as the only means of changing the appearance of your nose. While rhinoplasty can certainly transform your face, there are risks associated with the procedure as well as a considerable recovery period. If you do a quick internet search, you'll find all sorts of creams or 'medical devices' that claim to adjust your nasal shape; if you were enticed by any of those...
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After Liposuction: Does the Fat Come Back?

Liposuction has been among the top five most popular cosmetic surgical procedures since 1992, with nearly 205,000 of the procedures performed in 2015. Liposuction was introduced to North America three decades ago, and since that time there have been a number of improvements to the procedure. One of the most-asked questions regarding liposuction is whether the fat will come back after a year or so. A recent study published in Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery concluded that fat cells don’t return to treated areas, nor are they simply redistributed to untreated areas, as is often reported. This study offers a contradiction to...
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Discover the Skincare Secret: Obagi

At some point, everyone needs a little help managing his or her skin. Whether you suffer from fine lines, wrinkles, or sunspots, skin care is extremely important. The products you get from your plastic surgeon, dermatologist, or professional aesthetician's office are going to be significantly better than the ones you can purchase over the counter or in a drug store. Unlike mass retail skin care products, many of these physician-dispensed skin care lines are clinically tested for positive results. One of these exclusive product lines is called Obagi, and it is probably the best kept secret in Southern California. What is...
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Considering a Facelift? Questions to Ask Your Plastic Surgeon

Social Media Has Changed the Way We See Ourselves The focus on the face in today’s social-media-filled world is intense. "Selfies" are a way of life, and have left many seeing every single line, wrinkle and flaw on their own face. The social media focus on the facial appearance has been a major motivation for facelift requests. Whether you use social media or not, perhaps over the years, as you have seen your face age and change in ways you are not happy with, you have briefly considered a facelift. If so, you likely then quelled those thoughts as being too...
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Inverted Nipple Correction is Easier Than You Think

If you have inverted nipples, you may be embarrassed about that particular area of your body, however flat or inverted nipples are actually pretty common. Roughly 10-20% of all women are born with inverted nipples, which are not medically harmful. There are two basic types of inverted nipples-"shy" nipples and true inverted nipples. Shy nipples are usually pulled inward, but other times protrude. True inverted nipples are present at birth, and cannot be coaxed to protrude by using cold or stimulation. Those with true inverted nipples, probably have shorter ligaments along the milk ducts which connect to the nipples, which pulls...
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Get the Beach Body You’ve Always Wanted!

Before you know it, the warm weather of summer will be here. For those that spent a little too much time in front of a fireplace drinking hot cocoa, their “beach body” may not be all they had hoped. If you have body concerns, and want to feel fabulous in an amazing swimsuit this summer, now is the time to consider certain procedures which can give you the body you’ve always wanted. In order to ensure you have plenty of time to heal so you can wow the crowds this summer, remember that experience on the part of your plastic surgeon...
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Laser Hair Removal: A Better Way

As of 2009, laser hair removal industry revenues in the United States topped $244 million. In the year 2000, there were nearly 736,000 laser hair removal procedures done in the U.S., and by 2009, that number had risen to slightly more than 893,000. Women account for about 82 percent of laser hair removal procedures. When surveyed, nearly half of all those who had a laser hair removal procedure done said they experienced mild pain, 36 percent said they experienced moderate pain, and 6 percent said they experienced severe Would Those Who Undergo Laser Hair Removal Do it Again? Nearly 90 percent...
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Is a Tummy Tuck Medically Beneficial for Men?

A tummy tuck - also known by the medical term abdominoplasty—is a procedure which tightens the stomach muscles, removing any loose skin or fat from the abdomen, making it appear flat and toned. Historically, tummy tucks are often undergone by women who want to restore their body to pre-pregnancy shape. Patients who have lost extreme amounts of weight in a relatively short period of time may also be good candidates for a tummy tuck. Recently, however, more and more men are undergoing abdominoplasty. In fact, in 2013, about 4 percent of the total number of tummy tucks were performed on men....
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Is a Visit to a Medi-Spa Safe?

You’ve seen the ads, and maybe even seen them popping up in shopping centers. The curious-sounding medi-spa is a way of combining medical beauty treatments with traditional spa treatments. Medi-spas have medical procedures, which are, ostensibly, operated under the supervision of a licensed healthcare professional, using medical treatments such as Botox, cosmetic tattooing, body sculpting, microdermabrasion, hair removal, and lasers. Unfortunately, absent a licensed physician, sometimes these procedures can go terribly wrong. California has proposed legislation, which would increase the penalties for performing medical procedures at a medi-spa without proper medical supervision. While such treatments as Botox injections and microdermabrasion are...
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The Benefits of eMax

You may have heard about a popular new skin rejuvenation treatment that can treat wrinkles, uneven skin tone, and even acne scars all without a single incision. It’s not fiction! The eMax skin rejuvenation system from Syneron does just that. Laser and Intense Pulsed Light (IPL) are extremely effective in restoring a youthful, smooth skin with an even color. This is a non-invasive solution for: Acne scarringSkin texture issuesSkin saggingUneven skin toneBrown spotsStretch marksSkin lesions The eMax platform uses a deep dermal heating process with RF energy (fractionated bi-polar radio frequency technology) to get deep into the tissue to tighten and...
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What you Need to Know about Body Contouring

By now we know that being obese means that a person is at an increased risk for developing chronic diseases, such as heart disease, diabetes, hypertension, and sleep apnea. Fortunately there are numerous ways one can lose the excess weight and lower these risks. Some of those most effective ways include diet, exercise, and certain types of plastic surgeries. When someone loses a large amount of weight, the results are often nothing short of astonishing. These patients usually feel better, sleep better, and often suddenly have a renewed zest for life. Unfortunately, excess skin hanging around the face, arms, abdomen, and...
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What Can A Brow Lift Do For You?

older woman brow lift evaluation by plastic surgeon
The eyes are surrounded by delicate tissue that is prone to premature aging, often adding years to our look. While the eyelids are often to blame for saggy, tired-looking eyes, the drooping of the eyebrows sometimes adds more to the fatigued effect. Many factors contribute to the current appearance of our eyebrows: their natural position, the effects of time and gravity, and the activity level of our eyebrow and forehead muscles. If you are unhappy with the appearance of your eyebrows, if they are making your eyes sag or droop, a brow lift may be just the plastic surgery procedure for...
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Insurance Coverage for Plastic Surgery

plastic surgery woman in pool
If you are considering a plastic surgery procedure, you've probably heard that your insurance company won't pay for the costs. This is because the majority of plastic surgeries are considered elective – meaning that you have a choice whether to receive them or not. Yet, for some individuals, plastic surgery is medically necessary – and required for their overall health and wellbeing. When this is the case, your insurance company may pay a portion or even ALL of the procedure costs. For this to happen, however, a doctor must establish a legitimate medical issue necessitating the plastic surgery. But what are...
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Popular Plastic Surgeries for Men

Contradicting the perception that men simply brush their teeth and run a comb through their hair to be ready for their day, the American male grooming market is currently worth more than $3.5 billion. This would lead us to realize men are changing their attitudes regarding the need to appear youthful, well into their 40s, 50s, 60s, and beyond. In fact, men appear to be re-thinking their entire attitude toward face care products, plastic surgery, diet and exercise. Further, many men would like to change those things they don’t like when they look in the mirror, meaning plastic surgery procedures are...
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Surgery Tourism: Is It Worth It?

A recent tragic death in the Dominican Republic, as a result of a plastic surgery procedure, should make those contemplating going out of the country for plastic surgery think twice. The woman, a mere 23 years old, underwent liposuction in Santo Domingo, in a clinic which has been the subject of three other investigations within a four-month period. A 2014 report released by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, noted there were 19 women across the United States who developed infections and complications after undergoing plastic surgery in the Dominican Republic. Far too many Americans are allowing the idea of...
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Get the Facts About Male Breast Reduction

Gynecomastia is a medical condition that results in overdeveloped or enlarged breast tissue in men. It can occur at any age and can adversely affect a man's quality of life and health. Gynecomastia can be the result of medication, hormones, or obesity – and it can cause depression, low self-esteem, and pain for many men. It is estimated that 30-40% of men suffer from some form of gynecomastia. Enlarged breast tissue can be common in adolescent boys when they are going through puberty. The majority of young men will lose this excess breast tissue in 2 years. If it does not...
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The Positive Power of Plastic Surgery

Plastic surgery is becoming more and more common across the United States. In 2014 alone, more than 15.6 million plastic surgery procedures were performed – an increase of 3% from the previous year. From breast augmentation procedures and tummy tucks to liposuction and chin lifts, plastic surgery has given men and women the freedom and the confidence to live the life they desire. In some cases, it has even helped improve their overall health and wellbeing. But just how positive is plastic surgery for most people? Overall, the consensus is that plastic surgery yields very positive results for the majority of...
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A Closer Look at Popular Mommy Makeover Surgeries

Women are under increasing societal pressure to look a certain way almost immediately after giving birth. Unfortunately, these expectations can be not only unrealistic, but unattainable as well. President of the National Research Center for Women and Families, Dr. Diana Zuckerman, calls such expectations the "trickledown effect." Zuckerman notes that the most beautiful women in the nation undergo surgical procedures to look even more beautiful, then have the resulting photographs computer-enhanced. This leaves all the "normal" women wondering why they don’t look as good after giving birth. Pregnancy certainly changes a woman’s body, resulting in many women considering a "mommy makeover"...
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Breast Augmentation 101

Breast augmentation is the most popular plastic surgery procedure performed in the United States, with more than 375,000 women undergoing breast augmentation in 2014. The average age of the women who have a breast augmentation procedure are between the ages of 30 and 39, however more and more women over the age of 40 are opting to have breast augmentation as well. Amazing Facts about Breast Augmentation Despite what many people believe, most breast implants do not interfere with breastfeeding, and one clinical study showed higher levels of silicone in canned formulas than in the breast milk of women with silicone...
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