50 Alessandro Place, Suite 300, Pasadena, CA 91105  |  626 397 9095

KR plastic surgery male breast

Gynecomastia/Male Breast Reduction

Gynecomastia, or male breast enlargement is seldom talked about but extremely common. It affects approximately 50% of men for whom it is often a source of shame and embarrassment. Those affected are usually very self conscious and most avoid taking their shirts off at the beach and wearing fitted clothing or t-shirts that reveal their breast size. Although weight loss can often reduce gynecomastia, surgery is the only way to correct it. There are several different methods for gynecomastia correction. After a thorough personalized evaluation, Dr. Ruhge will explain the best way to achieve the look you desire.

Before and After Gallery

Client Testimonial

"I am extremely happy with my surgery results. I no longer have to wear tee shirts at the beach or feel uncomfortable wearing shirts that fit well in the chest. I would recommend Dr. Ruhge in a heartbeat." - R.T.

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The Surgery

If the excess breast tissue is made up exclusively of fat then correction can often be achieved using liposuction alone. If there is excess glandular tissue present, this will require excision, typically through a small, inconspicuous incision along the lower edge of the areola. In cases where there is considerable skin excess, or an enlarged areola, then an incision that extends all the way around the areola is advised to reduce its size and firm the chest. Gynecomastia surgery is performed as an outpatient procedure in a fully accredited surgery center. Anesthesia is administered by a Board Certified Anesthesiologist.

After Surgery

Following surgery you are cared for by a registered nurse in the surgery center recovery room. Once you are fully awake a friend or relative may take you home. The incisions will be covered with dressings and you will be wearing a compression garment. The compression garment will be worn night and day for two weeks and then only at night for two more weeks. You are seen at frequent intervals during the first few weeks and months following surgery to ensure proper healing. The small sutures used to close the access incisions are removed in seven days for liposuction alone and at three weeks if an excisional procedure is performed. Dr. Ruhge recommends that you be off of work for one week following the procedure though in certain circumstances less time may be feasible. Light exercise may be commenced at three weeks and more strenuous exercise at four weeks to allow proper healing. Although you will notice a significant difference in two to three weeks following surgery the final shape and form are not seen for approximately three months. Throughout the entire process Dr. Ruhge will guide you and advise you regarding all matters related to your surgery and recovery.

Related Procedures

Gynecomastia surgery can be performed as an isolated procedure but is often combined with others. Typical plastic surgical procedures done along with gynecomastia surgery are liposuction and facial rejuvenation.

If you would like to learn more about gynecomastia surgery we invite you to meet with Dr. Ruhge for a private consultation at our office in Pasadena by calling 626.397.9095, or by scheduling an appointment online.

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