Before you know it, the warm weather of summer will be here. For those that spent a little too much time in front of a fireplace drinking hot cocoa, their “beach body” may not be all they had hoped.

If you have body concerns, and want to feel fabulous in an amazing swimsuit this summer, now is the time to consider certain procedures which can give you the body you’ve always wanted.

In order to ensure you have plenty of time to heal so you can wow the crowds this summer, remember that experience on the part of your plastic surgeon is the key to getting the body you've always dreamed of.

What is a "Mommy Makeover"?

You may have heard of the "mommy makeover" procedure, which is a combination of a tummy tuck, breast enhancement/lift/augmentation, and liposuction to remove stubborn pockets of fat.

According to the American Society of Plastic Surgeons, the number of tummy tucks performed in 2010 was 112,000-up 85 percent since 2000. The number of breast lifts performed in 2010 was 90,000-a figure which is up 70 percent since 2000. There were 296,000 breast augmentation procedures performed in 2010-a number which is up 39 percent since 2000.

Overall, women's attitudes regarding cosmetic surgery procedures have changed dramatically over the past 10-15 years. Women freely admit they love their children, but they are much less enthusiastic about the changes pregnancy caused to their bodies.

Many of these women spend a considerable amount of time on diet and exercise, but just need some additional help. The typical woman who seeks a mommy makeover is considerably younger than a decade ago.

What You Need to Know About Surgery

Any woman who is in good overall health and has completed childbearing is a good candidate for a mommy makeover. The typical goal of a mommy makeover is to address the most common physical changes women see following a pregnancy.

This can include stretch marks, bulging and excess skin on the abdomen, and sagging and deflation of the breasts. Mommy makeovers may be one in one or two stages, depending on the areas which need help.

The incision for the stomach portion of the mommy makeover-the abdominoplasty-is about the same level as a caesarean section scar or a hysterectomy scar. Risks of a mommy makeover include poor wound healing, infection, bleeding and fluid collection formation.

Get the Body You’ve Always Wanted

Additional procedures which can make your body beach-worthy for the coming summer include the following:

Liposuction to remove belly fat

Some people have localized and pronounced pockets of fat in the abdominal area which are disproportionate to the fat distribution seen in the remainder of the body.

Plastic surgeons generally want a patient considering liposuction to be as close to their ideal body weight as possible.

Hairy legs and back

Nothing spoils a fabulous beach body than dark hair covering the back, legs and even arms. Laser hair removal is a long-term solution to unwanted hair.

Spider veins

Spider veins—dilated blood vessels with branching patterns—are most commonly found on the thighs, or occasionally on the calves. Spider veins are also somewhat hereditary, and can be eradicated with laser treatments.

Male breast reduction

Gynecomastia (often referred to as "man boobs"), is overly large breasts in men. This can make a man uncomfortable with taking his shirt off in public. Some men are genetically predisposed to gynecomastia, therefore no matter how much they diet or work out, nothing changes.

Male breast reduction surgery can restore a man’s chest to a much more normal male contour.

Stretch marks

Following a pregnancy, a woman may have narrow streaks or lines on the surface of the abdomen. Others who have gained a significant amount of weight quickly, then lost it, may also have stretch marks.

IPL technology (intense pulsed light) may alleviate stretch marks. The heated light warms the collagen under the skin, healing the shallow scarring.

Don’t dread the coming summer months. Show your body off confidently!

Contact Pasadena Plastic Surgery Specialists

There is a reason why so many Pasadena men and women continue to choose Dr. Kevin Ruhge to perform their plastic surgeries. His personalized approach to plastic surgery means that his clients can contact him 24/7 after a surgical procedure.

If you would like to learn more about liposuction, skin rejuvenation, breast augmentation, tummy tucks, rhinoplasty, or any plastic surgery procedure, we invite you to meet with Dr. Ruhge for a private consultation at our office in Pasadena by calling 626.397.9095, or by scheduling an appointment online.