If you have inverted nipples, you may be embarrassed about that particular area of your body, however flat or inverted nipples are actually pretty common. Roughly 10-20% of all women are born with inverted nipples, which are not medically harmful.

There are two basic types of inverted nipples-"shy" nipples and true inverted nipples. Shy nipples are usually pulled inward, but other times protrude. True inverted nipples are present at birth, and cannot be coaxed to protrude by using cold or stimulation.

Those with true inverted nipples, probably have shorter ligaments along the milk ducts which connect to the nipples, which pulls the nipple towards the breast tissues. Some women only develop inverted nipples later in life, or after breastfeeding. 

How Common is Nipple Inversion?

As many as a third of all women who are having their first child have nipples which do not protrude that well, however this might or might not be a problem during breastfeeding. In fact, a woman who has a baby who latches on well could actually draw out an inverted nipple.

Suction devices such as the use of a breast pump, may also bring out an inverted nipple, however special precautions must be taken to keep the breast and nipples scrupulously clean to avoid infection.

Other devices such as a nipple protractor, nipple rings, or a technique known as the Hoffman technique could all be helpful for inverted nipples. 

Surgical Procedures for Inverted Nipples

If you have inverted nipples, there is no reason to be embarrassed any more. There are relatively simple surgical procedures which can, in most cases, be performed in-office, and will fix your inverted nipples.

Surgery is, however, mostly only chosen when a woman has completed her family, and breastfeeding is no longer an issue.  A small incision is made along the base of the nipple during the procedure. The ducts are released, and the nipple is allowed to acquire its natural shape.

Once the incision is healed, it is barely visible. The procedure requires local anesthesia or sedation, and following the surgery, a friend or relative will take you home. Dressings will be changed once a day for an entire week, at which point the sutures will be removed.

All the swelling and bruising resulting from the surgical procedure will usually be gone within two weeks, and most people feel well enough to return to work within a day or so, although no bra or compression clothing can be worn for three weeks.

Other Surgical Procedures for Nipples

Some surgical procedures can both correct the inversion and preserve the milk ducts, while others require the ducts be divided, which will prevent lactation in the future. More severe cases of nipple inversion will generally require complete division of the milk ducts.

A woman who desires a more erect look for her nipples may be able to have her plastic surgeon perform a cartilage or fat graft to the nipples or even inject a filler such as Juvederm.

Women who feel their nipples are too large can undergo a nipple reduction which requires a horizontal excision of about half of the extra nipple, then closure with dissolvable sutures.

In some instances, men may desire a nipple reduction to lessen nipple protrusion. The technique for this surgical procedure involves removing any fat or breast tissue which is responsible for pushing the nipple forward.

Most of those with inverted nipples, or other issues related to the breasts or nipples are happy to hear just how simple surgicalcorrections can be. Inverted nipple correction is no longer such a big deal, and can be dealt with simply, and with minimal embarrassment.

Contact Pasadena Plastic Surgery Specialists

There is a reason why so many Pasadena men and women continue to choose Dr. Kevin Ruhge to perform their plastic surgeries. His personalized approach to plastic surgery means that his clients can contact him 24/7 after a surgical procedure.

If you would like to learn more about nipple inversion procedures, breast augmentation, rhinoplasty, or any plastic surgery procedure, we invite you to meet with Dr. Ruhge for a private consultation at our office in Pasadena by calling 626.397.9095, or by scheduling an appointment online.