A recent tragic death in the Dominican Republic, as a result of a plastic surgery procedure, should make those contemplating going out of the country for plastic surgery think twice. The woman, a mere 23 years old, underwent liposuction in Santo Domingo, in a clinic which has been the subject of three other investigations within a four-month period.

A 2014 report released by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, noted there were 19 women across the United States who developed infections and complications after undergoing plastic surgery in the Dominican Republic.

Far too many Americans are allowing the idea of getting discount plastic surgery, then recuperating in the beauty and serenity of the Caribbean, overcome their better judgment.

Clinics May Not Adhere to Safety Standards

A significant number of plastic surgery clinics in the Philippines, Mexico and the Dominican Republic, fail to adhere to the strict standards of safety required in the United States.

Because of this, a higher rate of complications, as well as less desirable outcomes—and even death—can occur.

Patients who have their plastic surgery procedures done hundreds or thousands of miles away from home are also much less likely to receive follow-up care, which is crucial to ensure the body is healing correctly.

Should complications arise following a plastic surgery procedure performed abroad, there is often little option other than to seek care from a plastic surgeon in the states, leading to additional financial resources, time and frustration.

Unreliable Data Regarding Plastic Surgery Outside the U.S.

As you might expect, the data which currently exists regarding surgical tourism is patchy and unreliable, with no real method for counting how many Americans undergo plastic surgery outside the U.S. every year.

The major incentives which drive Americans outside the U.S. to obtain plastic surgery are access to otherwise unavailable procedures, lower costs, and a vacation-like atmosphere for recovery.

Patients can briefly search the Internet and find procedures in a desirable atmosphere for less cost, and can tell co-workers, friends and family they are simply taking a much-needed vacation.

Unfortunately, the old adage about getting what you pay for is particularly true when plastic surgery abroad is being discussed.

What many people fail to realize is that the higher cost they may pay in the U.S. comes with training, experience, expertise and the personal commitment of your plastic surgeon.

Infections from Liposuction Procedures Outside the United States

While there is not a database which tracks plastic surgery mistakes abroad, anecdotal evidence suggests the incidence of complications is not insignificant. Many U.S. plastic surgeons see a fair number of patients who are having complications due to a prior plastic surgery outside the states.

Almost without exception, these patients did not check the qualifications of their surgeon, or of the facility itself. There was no informed consent involved, and no way of contacting the surgeon after the surgery if complications arose.

Within a two-year period, research reported eight United States residents who were infected with mycobacterium abscesses after undergoing liposuction in the Dominican Republic. As a method of comparison, there were no reported incidents of this type of infection among the 230,000 plastic surgery procedures done over a five-year period at New York’s Columbia Presbyterian Hospital.

Those who seek plastic surgery in the U.S. can rest easy, knowing their surgeon is a member of the American Society of Plastic Surgeons or the American Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery.

This means training, qualifications, competence and ethical behavior as well as a positive outcome for the procedure. The most important things to consider if you are thinking of going outside the U.S. for a plastic surgery procedure include:

If you are considering a plastic surgery procedure outside the U.S., it could be particularly helpful to speak to an experienced plastic surgeon inside the U.S. and get the facts you need. You might find that the risk vs. benefit ratio is tipped too far toward “risk” to chance having your procedure done outside the United States.

Contact Pasadena Plastic Surgeon Specialists

If you are considering a plastic surgery procedure, it is important to choose your surgeon carefully.

Pasadena men and women continue to choose Dr. Kevin Ruhge to perform their plastic surgeries because of the extraordinary care they receive. His personalized approach to plastic surgery means that his clients can contact him 24/7 after a surgical procedure.

If you would like to learn more about tummy tucks, liposuction, breast augmentation, or any plastic surgery procedure, we invite you to meet with Dr. Ruhge for a private consultation at our office in Pasadena by calling 626.397.9095, or by scheduling an an appointment online.