Contradicting the perception that men simply brush their teeth and run a comb through their hair to be ready for their day, the American male grooming market is currently worth more than $3.5 billion. This would lead us to realize men are changing their attitudes regarding the need to appear youthful, well into their 40s, 50s, 60s, and beyond.

In fact, men appear to be re-thinking their entire attitude toward face care products, plastic surgery, diet and exercise. Further, many men would like to change those things they don’t like when they look in the mirror, meaning plastic surgery procedures are becoming much more popular among men in the U.S.

Currently, the top five surgical procedures for men include:

Types of Men Who Seek Plastic Surgery

In short, our culture prizes youth and beauty, even for men. Between 1997 and 2012, the number of plastic surgeries for men increased by more than 106 percent.

Aside from wanting to look better, men are electing to have plastic surgery procedures in order to stay competitive in the job market—because often, the better a man looks, the better his chances of climbing the corporate ladder.

One plastic surgeon notes four distinct "types" of men whom he sees in his office for plastic surgery. The first is the "male model", type who wants a defined jawline and nice, ripped abdominal muscles.

The "body builder", wants the same procedures as the male model, but wants a more muscular appearance, including a broad chest.

The "board member", are those at the top of their game, career-wise, who are worried they are beginning to look less than young and confident. The board member typically has an eyelift, necklift, re-contouring of the jawline, and possibly liposuction.

The final category is equivalent to the "mommy makeover", for women, and is known as the "athletic dad". The athletic dad will typically go in for liposuction, re-contouring of the jawline and a small eyelift.

Typical Costs for Plastic Surgery

It might surprise many to know that nearly a quarter of all rhinoplasties are done on men, as well as 15 percent of all liposuction and eyelid surgeries and about a fifth of all laser hair removal procedures.

Including men and women, plastic surgeries have increased 32 percent in 2014, to over 8.7 million. Men are, more and more often, opting for plastic surgery in order to get the six-pack abs or pectoral muscles exercise is just not delivering.

Of course, cost can be an issue for many men who are considering a plastic surgery procedure. Eyelid surgery generally starts at $2,000, while rhinoplasty begins at $3,000. A full facelift can cost between $5,000 and $10,000, and liposuction costs begin at $2,000.

Things to Remember When Considering Plastic Surgery

Those considering undergoing a plastic surgery procedure should be realistic about the outcome of the surgery, should understand the risks involved, should stop smoking and drinking prior to the surgery, should get as fit and healthy as possible prior to the procedure, and should ensure their surgeon is aware of all medications being taken at the time of the surgery.

It is also important to remember that liposuction does not replace working out, and that most men are happiest with subtle changes which allow them to look refreshed rather than with dramatic alterations to their appearance.

Speaking to an experienced, knowledgeable plastic surgeon can ensure your questions are thoroughly answered and that any fears you may have about the procedure are alleviated.

Contact Pasadena Plastic Surgeon Specialists

If you are considering a plastic surgery procedure, it is important to choose your surgeon carefully. Pasadena men continue to choose Dr. Kevin Ruhge to perform their plastic surgeries because of the extraordinary care they receive. His personalized approach to plastic surgery means that his clients can contact him 24/7 after a surgical procedure.

If you would like to learn more about tummy tucks, liposuction, or any plastic surgery procedure, we invite you to meet with Dr. Ruhge for a private consultation at our office in Pasadena by calling 626.397.9095, or by scheduling an appointment online.