Choosing to undergo plastic surgery is a personal and difficult decision. Knowing that you are being cared for by an experienced and dedicated plastic surgeon can make that decision a lot easier. From the first exam to your critical post-surgery days, your plastic surgeon should be available to you 24 hours a day/7 days a week. After your surgery, it is even more important that your surgeon is available. You may have questions that need immediate answers, or complications could arise that necessitate immediate medical intervention.

It was a Simple Procedure, What Could Go Wrong?

Even if you had a simple and routine cosmetic procedure, complications could still arise. You could experience excessive bleeding, develop an infection, or begin to experience tissue loss. It is important that your surgeon is aware of any changes to your incision, your surgical site, or the areas surrounding it. Certain emergency actions may need to be taken and tissue loss can be mitigated with prompt medical care.

Signs of Complications

While every plastic surgery is different, there are some basic signs of complications that all patients should be aware of, including:

Is Your Plastic Surgeon Available 24/7?

Before surgery, it is important to discuss your post-surgery care with your plastic surgeon. Be sure to ask for specific instructions on how to care for your incision and your bandages, and what medications to take if you are experiencing discomfort. Your surgeon should be sure you know how to recognize the signs of post surgical complications and what to do if you experience a problem.

Most importantly, ask your plastic surgeon how he or she will be available to you after your surgery. What if you have questions about your incision and it is "after hours"? Is there an emergency medical line you can call? What if you need help during the weekend or on a holiday? Be sure you have your plastic surgeon's contact information and that you understand how to reach your surgeon at all hours of the day and night.

Not all Plastic Surgeons are Available

Even though plastic surgery can be a precise and complicated process; many plastic surgeons still don't believe that they should be available to their patients 24/7 after surgery. This is dangerous for patients who undergo surgical procedures at the hands of these surgeons. While some of these plastic surgeons have been disciplined for failing to have after hours phone support available to patients in the event of complications, others have yet to be reprimanded by the Medical Board of California.

Before you undergo any cosmetic procedure, be sure you check your surgeon's credentials and any records of disciplinary action. In addition, be sure to ask about after hours contact information and availability. Knowing that your plastic surgeon is a phone call away can give you the peace of mind you need after a plastic surgery procedure.

Contact Pasadena Plastic Surgery Specialists

If you are considering breast augmentation, rhinoplasty, or other type of plastic surgery, it is important to choose a plastic surgeon carefully. There is a reason so many Pasadena men and women choose Dr. Kevin Ruhge to perform their plastic surgery. His personalized approach to plastic surgery means that his clients can contact him 24/7 after a surgical procedure. If you would like to learn more about plastic surgery, we invite you to meet with Dr. Ruhge for a private consultation at our office in Pasadena by calling 626.397.9095, or by scheduling an appointment online.