By Dr. Ruhge on Thursday, 05 March 2015
Category: Our Blog

Breast Lift FAQs

Q: What is a breast lift?

A: A breast lift is medically known as a mastopexy. It is the medical procedure for lifting drooping or sagging breast tissue caused by aging, pregnancy or weight loss.

Q: Is anyone a candidate for a breast lift?

A: No, not everyone is a good candidate for a breast lift. Typically, in order to undergo a breast lift you should be in good overall health and have no major medical conditions. In addition, you should be over the age of 18 and not plan on breastfeeding. If you have a major medical condition, you may need to be medically cleared by your doctor prior to undergoing a breast lift procedure.

Q: How are breast lifts performed?

A: The breast lift procedure is remarkable and takes place over the course of one to three hours under general anesthesia. Your plastic surgeon will determine the appropriate approach to perform your breast lift. After making the incision, your surgeon will lift and reshape the breast tissue and move the nipple and areola to a higher position. Your incision will then be closed. It is important to know that a breast lift can also be performed in conjunction with breast implant surgery.

Q: Are there any risks associated with breast lift surgery?

A: Like any surgery, there are risks. There is a risk associated with going under general anesthesia and a risk of complications during the surgery. Even if the surgery goes well, post-op complications can occur. Some of these include: bleeding, infection, breast irregularities, breast asymmetry, reduced nipple sensation, nerve damage, and loss of nipple or areola. It is important to discuss all of these complications with your surgeon prior to deciding if a breast lift is right for you.

Q: How long will it take to recover from breast lift surgery?

A: It can take several weeks to fully recover from your surgery. At first, you may be tired and groggy from the anesthesia. You may also experience some pain and discomfort for several days around the incision site and the breasts. The pain, swelling, and bruising should subside within a few weeks and all of the side effects should be gone by your three-month follow up.

Q: Will I need to wear anything special after my breast lift procedure?

A: Initially after your breast lift surgery, your breasts will be wrapped in surgical gauze. Once your gauze is removed, you should plan on wearing a surgical bra for the next two to three months. This will help reduce swelling and discomfort and help your breast tissue heal properly. Avoid wearing any bras with underwires.

Q: Will I have any scars?

A: Nearly every type of surgery leaves behind a scar. Depending on the type of incision your doctor uses, your scar may be visible. Over time, however, those scars will fade and blend in with the breast tissue. Your plastic surgeon will be able to review your procedure with you and explain what amount of scarring you should expect.

Q: How much does a breast lift cost?

A: Prices for a breast lift depend largely on the geographic location of your surgeon, and whether your surgery takes place in a hospital or in an office based surgery center. You should expect to pay your surgeon's fees, anesthesia fees, and hospital fees. In addition, you need to factor in the cost of prescription medications, surgical garments, and bras. Your plastic surgeon will be able to give you an estimate of the costs prior to choosing your breast lift surgery date.

Contact Our Pasadena Breast Lift Surgeons

If you are considering a breast lift, it is important to choose a cosmetic surgeon carefully. There is a reason so many Pasadena women choose Dr. Kevin Ruhge to perform their breast lift surgery. His personalized approach to plastic surgery means that his clients can contact him 24/7 after a surgical procedure. If you would like to learn more about your breast lift options or any cosmetic surgery procedure, we invite you to meet with Dr. Ruhge for a private consultation at our office in Pasadena by calling 626.397.9095, or by scheduling an appointment online.