By Dr. Ruhge on Thursday, 07 May 2015
Category: Our Blog

5 Areas that Look Great After Liposuction

If you've ever considered liposuction to help you get rid of stubborn body fat, you are not alone. Over 300,000 liposuction procedures are carried out in the United States each and every year, making it one of the top 5 cosmetic surgical procedures in the country. Dr. Kevin Ruhge is a leading Pasadena plastic surgeon, helping many with their decisions concerning liposuction.

Liposuction is also called lipoplasty or liposculpture. This cosmetic surgical procedure actually breaks up the fat from various parts of the body and disposes of it through a cannula, or hollow tube. For many individuals, liposuction is the answer to years of dealing with excess fat that does not respond to diet and exercise alone and can help restore self esteem and confidence.

Yet, not all areas of the body respond well to liposuction – and some respond even better than you may think. Here are 4 areas that often look great after a liposuction procedure:

  1. Jawline: Jowls are often a result of genetics, reduced skin elasticity associated with aging, and excess body fat. Excess fat on your jawline can make you look older and result in a double chin. A facelift is often necessary to remove and reposition the skin of the face and jawline. Yet, sometimes patients with excess fat on their jawline can benefit from a liposuction procedure alone or in combination. This can take years off of your appearance and help you look thinner.
  1. Torso: Sometimes no matter how many crunches you do, you still have a tummy pooch. That lower abdominal fat is difficult to get rid of and exercise alone won't treat problematic spots (such as the love handles or lower abdominal pooch). Even slim women suffer from excess fat in the back, upper torso, or lower abdomen. Liposuction offers plastic surgeons a chance to sculpt the body and eliminate these trouble spots.
  1. Cankles: If you have excess fatty deposits around your ankles and calves, you may be surprised to learn that liposuction can help. Liposuction can remove this excess fat and result in noticeably slimmer ankles and legs.

Contact Our Plastic Surgeon from our Pasadena, CA office:

If you are considering liposuction, it is important to choose a plastic surgeon carefully. Yet, with so many plastic surgeons in the Pasadena area, how can you know which one to choose? There is a reason so many Pasadena women choose Dr. Kevin Ruhge to perform their liposuction surgeries. His personalized approach to cosmetic surgery means that his clients can contact him 24/7 after a surgical procedure. If you would like to learn more about tummy tucks, liposuction, or any cosmetic surgery procedure, we invite you to meet with Dr. Ruhge for a private consultation at our office in Pasadena by calling 626.397.9095, or by scheduling an appointment online.